# Services: Technical

# Introduction

Provides the pages and navigation for presenting the Services provided by Local Government. A part of the LocalGovDrupal distribution.

Content types:

  • Landing page - the top level section for each service.
  • Sub-landing page - detail and links to specific pages within a service.
  • Page - the basic page that can be placed in a service, and on a service sub-landing page.
  • Status - an optional additional type for providing updates about a the status of a service. Other content types in the LocalGovDrupal distribution can also optionally be linked into service sections and referenced from sub-landing pages.

There are five submodules

  • localgov_services_landing
  • localgov_services_navigation
  • localgov_services_page
  • localgov_services_sublanding
  • localgov_services_status (optional)

# Requirements

core_version_requirement: ^8.9 || ^9

  - drupal:field
  - drupal:link
  - drupal:node
  - pathauto:pathauto
  - localgov_core:localgov_core

# Service landing page

  - drupal:field
  - drupal:link
  - drupal:menu_ui
  - drupal:node
  - drupal:text
  - drupal:user
  - drupal:views
  - localgov_services:localgov_services
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_sublanding
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_page

# Service sub-landing page

  - drupal:content_moderation
  - drupal:field
  - drupal:menu_ui
  - drupal:node
  - drupal:path
  - drupal:text
  - drupal:user
  - field_group:field_group
  - localgov_paragraphs:localgov_paragraphs
  - localgov_services:localgov_services
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_landing
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_navigation
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_page
  - localgov_topics:localgov_topics
  - pathauto:pathauto

# Service page

  - drupal:content_moderation
  - drupal:field
  - drupal:link
  - drupal:menu_ui
  - drupal:node
  - drupal:path
  - drupal:taxonomy
  - drupal:text
  - drupal:user
  - entity_browser:entity_browser
  - field_group:field_group
  - link_attributes:link_attributes
  - localgov_services:localgov_services
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_sublanding
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_landing
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_navigation
  - localgov_page_components:localgov_page_components
  - pathauto:pathauto

# Service Status

  - drupal:options
  - drupal:path
  - drupal:text
  - drupal:user
  - condition_field:condition_field
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_landing
  - localgov_services:localgov_services_navigation

# Service Navigation

  - drupal:link
  - drupal:node
  - drupal:pathauto
  - localgov_services:localgov_services


# Roles / permissions

This feature does not define any permissions itself, but if the localgov_workflow and localgov_roles modules are enabled then they will apply to the content defined in this feature.

# Installation

The 4 main sub-modules are a core part of the LGD install profile, and will be installed as part of that. The Service Status module can be optionally enabled.

To install it as a feature outside of LGD [TODO]

# Basic Configuration

# General

# Service landing page

Service landing page

Machine name:

Top level section page for each service.

Menu settings

Available menus:

  • Main navigation

Default menu: <main>

Simple XML Sitemap

Included: true

Priority: 0.5

Change frequency: Not specified

Include images: No

Field name Machine name Field type
Address localgov_address Text (formatted, long)
Body body Text (formatted, long, with summary)
Child pages localgov_destinations Entity reference
Contact us online URL localgov_contact_us_online Text (plain)
Email address localgov_email_address Text (plain)
Facebook localgov_facebook Text (plain)
First line of address localgov_address_first_line Text (plain)
Hearing or speech difficulties phone number localgov_hearing_difficulties_ph Text (plain)
Link to map localgov_link_to_map Link
Opening hours localgov_opening_hours Text (formatted, long)
Other team contacts URL localgov_other_team_contacts Text (plain)
Phone localgov_phone Text (plain)
Popular topics localgov_popular_topics Entity reference
Task buttons localgov_common_tasks Link
Twitter localgov_twitter Text (plain)

# Service page

Service page

Machine name:

Basic page that can be placed in a service and on a service sub landing page.

Menu settings

Available menus:

  • Main navigation

Default menu: <main>

Simple XML Sitemap

Included: true

Priority: 0.5

Change frequency: Not specified

Include images: No

Field name Machine name Field type
Body body Text (formatted, long, with summary)
Download links localgov_download_links Link
Hide the related topics panel localgov_hide_related_topics Boolean
Page components localgov_page_components Entity reference
Parent localgov_services_parent Entity reference
Related links localgov_related_links Link
Replace automatically generated links localgov_override_related_links Boolean
Task buttons localgov_common_tasks Link
Topic terms localgov_topic_classified Entity reference

# Service sub-landing page

Service sub-landing page

Machine name:

Pages for detail and links to specific pages within a service.

Menu settings

Available menus:

  • Main navigation

Default menu: <main>

Simple XML Sitemap

Included: true

Priority: 0.5

Change frequency: Not specified

Include images: No

Field name Machine name Field type
Body body Text (formatted, long, with summary)
Child pages localgov_topics Entity reference revisions
Services: Parent localgov_services_parent Entity reference

# Advanced configuration


# Theming

# Twig templates

The following templates are (currently) defined within the modules.

# Theme suggestions


# Localgov Base Theme (localgov_base)

The following templates are defined within localgov_base theme, and if you are not using this as your base theme you might like to steal these templates:

  • https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_base/blob/1.x/templates/paragraphs/paragraph--topic-list-builder.html.twig
  • https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_base/blob/1.x/templates/field/field--paragraph--topic-list-links--topic-list-builder.html.twig
  • https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_base/blob/1.x/templates/content/node--localgov-services-landing--full.html.twig
  • https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_base/blob/1.x/templates/block/services-cta-block.html.twig


  • https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_base/blob/1.x/css/components/topic-list-builder.css
  • https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_base/blob/1.x/css/components/service-landing-page.css
  • https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_base/blob/1.x/css/components/service-cta-block.css

And their IE11 counterparts.

# Troubleshooting


# Contributing

Contribution guidelines go here

# Maintainers, contributors, and supporters

Maintainers Name Name

# Contributors

Name Name

# Supporters

Org x provided y Org x sponsored y